Book Coaching

Allow me to guide you toward completing your work of fiction, offering continuous feedback, direction, and encouragement, so that you can proudly cross the finish line with a polished and compelling story.

  • You have an amazing idea for a story but feel overwhelmed about where to start

  • You feel stuck and don’t know where to go next with your manuscript

  • You have a completed manuscript draft but feel lost trying to tackle the revision process

  • You have a lot of half-finished projects and want help focusing and completing one of your books

  • You lead a busy life and can’t seem to find the time to write, but you keep feeling the pull toward this project

  • You want someone to support you through the frustrating and tough parts of writing while also being there to help you celebrate your wins

  • You’re feeling doubt that you can write a good story and have thoughts like “what if I’m not smart enough to write a book” or “what if no one likes it”

Book Coaching is a great fit if...

“I found Leslie a joy to work with. She was very supportive of me as a first-time writer, guiding me through the process with great clarity. Without exception, her suggestions were insightful and helpful and added a great deal of polish to the final product. I’d wholeheartedly recommend working with her and would love to do so again.” Paul M.

What’s Included

  • Two Deadlines/month of up to 15 pages

  • Written Feedback on your submitted pages

  • Unlimited email support

  • Two 45-minute calls per month to discuss my feedback, any hurdles you may be encountering, and the next steps

  • Someone to help you stay accountable and keep you on track

  • A cheerleader for your success!

The Result

A clear path forward filled with personalized feedback and support so that you can finally finish your book.

The Investment

$500/month or
$400/month for the 3-month package


  • I work in the realm of fiction and my favorite genres to work in are horror, fantasy, science fiction, thrillers, and romance. I work on stories for adult, new adult, and young adult audiences.

  • Nope! I understand that life can get crazy. I operate coaching on a month-to-month basis. You can start and stop based on your own needs and pick right back up where we left off when you’re ready to dive in again. If you sign up for a three-month package, you must use those three months within one year of signing up for coaching.

  • Phone calls are not required for the program. Some people feel they work better communicating via email and having time to process feedback and responses. You will receive my support and feedback in written form!

  • Absolutely! Email me via my contact page and I’d be happy to answer your questions, and how I can help you achieve your goals.

“How do I begin to tell the story of what Leslie did for my book? The simple truth goes much deeper than words on a page, into how she sees a project from every angle. One of the best things about working with her was how easy it was to incorporate her edits and suggestions. More than that, she cares about my success.” Brian C.